These are the most common question and answers about buying hay from Haygrowers.

What size bales do we handle?
We handle square bales of standard size, 8’x4’x3

What is the minimum order or load size?
Hay is sold on a per load or lot basis.

ALL Trailers are drop decks to achieve the most economic freight rates possible and loaded legally compliant with state and NHVR law.

Single load    42   (8′x4′x3′) per 45′ drop deck.
B-Double    64  (8’x4’x3′) bales .
Road train  84 (8x4x3) bales.
B Triple       86(8x4x3)  bales.

How do we sell our hay?
All hay sold on a $/ton weight basis.

How do you deliver?
Preferred Option B-Double, single and Road Train are available dependent upon delivery location.

What are your freight costs?
Freight costs are calculated on a individual delivery basis and included in the delivery quote.B Double freight is the most cost effective way to transport hay ,move tonnage and keep hay costs down.
